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Education & Events

Dolmen Prehistoric Village

Prehistoric Village of Dolmen

Life of prehistoric people was reconstructed in the village of dolmen and program to experience their life was prepared. This program was designed to provide a chance for the public to understand wisdom and cooperative life style of ancestors by exploring lifeways of Bronze Age people by themselves.

Building Dolmen

It is an experiential program to understand the constrcution processes of dolmen including quarrying, and transporting of large stone material, and to experience that dolmen construction requires the community cooperation!

Bronze Age Hunting

It is an experiential program to learn how to make stone tools and shoot an arrow using self-made arrowhead just like Bronze Age hunters!

Excavating Dolmen

It is an educational program to experience for students to become archaeologists by excavating dolmens and artefacts in the stone chamber and to understand a flow of activities from excavation to museum exhibition of artefactsI

Making Pottery

It is an experiential program to understand the lifeways of Bronze Age people and learn about use and types of various potteries by making them.

Spirit of Dolmen

It is aimed to understand the ancient mind of Bronze Age people interpreted from rock art. Drawing rock art motifs or rubbing a paper on its replica would help to understand various aspects of life at that time.