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"世界文化遺産 和順支石墓"(World Culture Heritage Hwasun Dolmen) 게시글 내용
"世界文化遺産 和順支石墓"(World Culture Heritage Hwasun Dolmen)
작성일 : 2015-01-22     조회 : 1488

"世界文化遺産 和順支石墓"(World Culture Heritage Hwasun Dolmen)

This book was published to inform the excellency of Hwasun dolmen designated as the world heritage to non-Koreans in Japanese. It includes the background of designation of Hwasun dolmen as the world culture heritage and its consevationand use.
"世界文化遺産 和順支石墓"(World Culture Heritage Hwasun Dolmen) 게시글의 이전글, 다음글 목록
이전글 THE World Heritage Hwasun Dolmens
다음글 "世界文化遺産 和順支石墓"(World Culture Heritage Hwasun Dolmen)